Trust and security for your products and services!

My philosophy is to use my full potential to provide my customers the best-possible result I’m usually available 24/7, made possible by an active, but very flexible life style and matching attitude towards life and business.

What makes a good outside specialist?

Most job postings seeking freelance support include a variety of professional requirements concerning qualifications and know-how. Although I myself am able to produce plenty of certificates and evidence of prior experience, but I’d like to note that there are things far more important for your project and your success.
Because you need an outside expert in your company who…

    • Can quickly and flexibly become familiarized with your process and tool landscape as well as get to know you on a personal level.
    • Because theoretical knowledge that can’t be explained to others is useless. This is where soft and socials skills come in.
    • Also import to your success is that motivation to achieve excellent results is present and that they really want to squash the bugs in and resolve the issues with your software, guaranteeing your end customer’s satisfaction.
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    • The specified objectives must be met and not discussed. Status updates and event reports must of course always be kept up to date.
    • New technologies are more quickly understood and used by hard-working and motivated IT experts.
    • Fundamental testing knowledge and expertise, a tester personality, a very clever and analytical mind, and in the end a person you and your team will get along well with, are factors that form the foundation for excellent results.
    • The big thing is not that you can sell yourself, but that the customer (you) deliver a good final result to his end customer. It’s always better to admit to a mistake than to cover it up and put the client at risk.
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If you’re looking for such a person you’ve come to the right place. And our shared goal is a win-win situation between the client and the contractor – you and me. You benefit from my services and results and I benefit from additional experience and, of course, payment for services rendered, too.